Yocoy Technologies GmbH was founded in June 2007 by Prof. Hans Uszkoreit, Dr. Feiju Xu, Dr. Sven Schmeier, and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH as DFKI’s 50th spin-off company.The vision and ultimate goal of the founders of Yocoy is to develop software that enables people to overcome language and cultural barriers. Yocoy’s apps serve as language, travel and culture guides that enable their users to understand other people better during their travels.During my time as a developer and joint partner at Yocoy I was responsible for the development and realization of mobile frontends for multilingual dialogue systems. In the beginning, the technology stack was focused on Windows Mobile. Later we shifted the development to IOS apps.The core technologies in use were .Net and XCode.

©Micha Kruppa 2021

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